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That Gnawing Hunger

One of the great things about having a blog is that you get to write down all that you want to! So let me start this off the right way for those who just want to know what the title is all about. I have an ulcer.

Stomach ulcers are the most visible sign of peptic ulcer disease. They occur when the thick layer of mucus that protects your stomach from digestive juices is reduced, thus enabling the digestive acids to eat away at the lining tissues of the stomach.

All of my sicknesses that i couldn't figure out why i was in such pain and discomfort and nausea have finally been tracked down!! Now the causes of receiving an ulcer are so many, however i believe mine was brought down to a simple factor of....*drum roll*.... stress. The silent killer!

For the past year and a half my stress has slowly but surely risen to such a dramatic level that i obtained myself one of those lovely craters in my stomach! With starting off my art business, travelling and saving up for England, and of course my wedding, my body said to me, "whoa whoa whoa! Girl, you are only 23 years old and not meant to be taking this much on...we have done what we can but-OH NO!! THE STRESS IS MELTING YOUR INSIDES AND WE ARE SO ANGRY THAT WE ARE GOING TO BURN NOW TOO!". Thus begins the story of my epic health failure!

On the brighter side of life, now that i have been on some proton pump inhibitors which are made to reduce the acid in my stomach to help myself heal, i am starting to feel much better! However one of those side effects from the pills is this feeling that you are ALWAYS hungry!! I mean like, HANGRY, the indescribable urge to eat everything and everyone in your path.

Moving on to what has finally passed though, and that is the wedding! YES! FINALLY!! I know it's rather odd for someone to have that kind of reaction because almost everyone who iv'e spoken to about this seems to keep saying 'oh wasn't it just so beautiful and didn't you have so much fun?!'.

No. No i did not have fun. As it turns out stress (as i was saying previously) contributes to an ulcer and its get where i'm going. I was so brain boggled and freaked out about everything on that day that i actually was giving myself anxiety and panic attacks and was getting that gut wrenching hunger feeling but being too sick to eat! Not to mention i had a strapless wedding dress with a medieval torture inside of it. Ah yes, what women do for beauty on the day of their wedding.

Positive note though, the weather for that day was absolutely gorgeous and we completely lucked out! The forecast was for a lighting show and rain! Don't know how we pulled that one off! Everything (for the most part) went off without a hitch and came out successful! The Royal Coachman did a great job catering, All-in-one party shop did a beautiful job of decorating! And we were able to keep this all under our budget!

Now i'm reaping the benefits of taking a month off of my artwork to get my health back into shape! It's tough. Everyday i want to paint but also feel too tired and i want to say stressed, but i'm not sure as to why i would be stressed. Gah! So confusing!

A short blog for this time! But i knew i had to write something down! The next one will be better.

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